aka jetison

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Conspiracy Theory:

Plot Foiled ?

Maybe not. Government officials are eager to announce their latest victory in the war on terror. But, maybe the plot was actually a success. Perhaps, the idea was never to actually blow up planes with liquid explosives but to disrupt the entire liquid supply of the 'free' world. Since they have already caused a very effective shortage of fossil fuel the next logical step would be to expand that shortage to ALL liquids. Money from black market liquid sales would further fund other terrorist activities.

An additional theory purports the story to be a fabrication of the American government and its coconspirator Great Britain. The arrest story, in addition to providing valuable antiterrorist propaganda, is a corporate/government plot to delegitimize the current liquid supply. The answer to this market instability is to provide government certification and supply for all liquids. Of course certified liquids would carry increased purchase price and eliminate competition further increasing the profits of corporations, lobbyists and in turn politicians. Anyone discovered in possession of black market liquids would simply be arrested as a terrorist.

This is the next step in the corporate American coup, where the only legitimate source for any item would be the 'Official' government source. The ultimate in supply side economics.


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