aka jetison

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Chicago 10

A new movie depicting the true historical events of the Chicago demonstrations and riots at the 1968 Democratic convention has recently opened. What is shown in the movie will seem unbelievable to those who did not live though the times. The movie should be seen by everyone because it is a reminder what REAL activism (and a REAL police state) looks like. It also shows the extremes of the justice system in action. Because no film/video equipment was allowed in the courtroom, the trial portion of the movie is animated. This now seems fitting given the circus atmosphere of the trial.

BIG Mischief

TESTIMONY OF ED SANDERS at the chicago Conspiracy Trial September 24, 1969 - February 20, 1970

The following was actually revealed in testimony at the trial. The document drawn by Yippie members in a meeting in preparation to their activities in Chicago. DADA, political theatre, social activism, and more.

"Predictions for Yippie activities in Chicago:"

"A.  Poetry readings, mass meditation, fly casting exhibitions, demagogic Yippie political arousal speeches, rock music and song concerts will be held on a precise timetable throughout the week, August 25 to 30.

"A dawn ass-washing ceremony with tens of thousands participating will occur each morning at 5:00 A.m., as Yippie revelers and protesters prepare for the 7:00 A.M. volleyball tournaments.

"The Chicago offices of the National Biscuit Company will be hi-jacked on principle to provide bread and cookies for 50,000 as a gesture of goodwill to the youth of America.

"The Yippie ecological conference will spew out an angry report denouncing Chi's poison in the lakes and streams, industrial honkey fumes from white killer industrialists and exhaust murder from a sick hamburger society of automobile freaks with precise total assault solutions to these problems.

"Poets will rewrite the Bill of Rights in precise language detailing 10,000 areas of freedom in our own language to replace the confusing and vague rhetoric of 200 years ago.

"B. Share your food, your money, your bodies, your energy, your ideas, your blood, your defenses.  Attempt peace.

"C. Plan ahead of time how you will probably respond to various degrees of provocation, hate and creep vectors from the opposition."

"D. Learn the Internationale.

"E. Bring sleeping bags, extra food, blankets, bottles of fireflies, cold cream, lots of handkerchiefs and canteens to deal with pig spray, love beads, electric toothbrushes, see-through blouses, manifestos, magazines, tenacity.

"Remember we are the life forms evolving in our own brain." . . . .


Psychedelic long-haired mutant-jissomed peace leftists will consort with known dope fiends, spilling out onto the sidewalks in pornape disarray each afternoon."


"Universal syrup day will be held on Wednesday when a movie will be shown at Soldiers Field in which Hubert Humphrey confesses to Allen Ginsberg of his secret approval of anal intercourse."


"There will be public fornication whenever and wherever there is an aroused appendage and willing apertures"


"Two-hundred thirty rebel cocksmen under secret vows are on 24-hour alert to get the pants of the daughters and wives and kept women of the convention delegates."

Link: Chicago 10 Movie Trailer


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