aka jetison

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Falling Back

United States Year 2006 DST Ends at 2 a.m. October 29

Well, that dreaded time of year is here once again. Twice a year we have to change the clocks to accommodate some change in the time structure based on daylight hours. While it does serve some useful advantage I suppose, my biggest gripe is having to stay up until 2-am to make the necessary change. It would certainly seem to make sense to enact the change at a more reasonable hour. I would try setting my alarm to wake at the appropriate time, but would I set it for an hour earlier to be sure I don't sleep past the appointed hour ? Either way I'm losing sleep ! I should have a more flexible attitude regarding such unavoidable matters, but I inherited this particular prejudice from my father and some patterns are hard to shake.

Just to make matters worse, today it suddenly got unexpectedly dark around 4:30 in the afternoon, could have something to do with global warming I suppose but it felt considerably colder today than yesterday.


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